Hi all,
Notes from today are at
Task tracker with some initial tasks populated is access restricted and can be found
in the OpenAMP Google Drive here for active project participants.
Please take a look and add your tasks and target dates.
(Nishanth and Hari to email Nathalie directly with their preferred Google accounts to get access)
Action items
Arnaud: Tammy can start with a couple files Pull Request & we can discuss on that concrete example
Bill can schedule a remote working session over Zoom for next week with Tammy, Arnaud, (Ed optional)
Bill will polish up the deck & submit to Connect organizers so that it can be included in the schedule blurb
Nathalie, Bill, Arnaud to update OpenAMP Governance page at Connect to reflect latest project status & practices
(DONE) Nathalie start a new System Reference tracking sheet til end of August & Nishanth to add a milestone for TI platform
Bill to share Jailhouse notes with Dan
Thanks & regards,