
Please note, the Nov 14 EOD date for Doc PRs is to help drive discussion on the 16th and every Wednesday after that.
14th is NOT the document freeze date.
And if it is the 15th or early the 16th that is OK too.  We want to have something to review on the 16th.
If you want to make a list of issues in google doc that is OK also.
We just want to get the list of things we want to change before the demo.


On 11/9/22 2:18 PM, Chan King Choy, Nathalie wrote:

Hi all,


Notes from today are posted at


Lots of action items!


*** Please note the NEW DEADLINES! ***




Thanks & regards,


Bill Mills
Principal Technical Consultant, Linaro
TZ: US Eastern
Work Schedule:  Tues/Wed/Thur