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Hi all,
Here's a summary of what's been shared for review & what is still outstanding (If I missed yours, please let us know where to find it):
* Arnaud slides:<;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!ec1uPBAApJaeumwtRqNH0iPlseEb-mjhcHOOph1hlWRRDd77btElMbAjkdqGkqthvFxBDUl5JC-NxwmXdjYeLksaldoJfQEWb-Rg6fU8k-Q$>
* Dan:
* @Milea, Danut Gabriel (Danut)<> demo steps in text form: ?
* @Shah, Tanmay<> demo steps in text form: ?
* Tomas slides:
* Bruce demo steps: Clone the following (preview doesn't show everything):
Upcoming deadlines:
* 22 November EOD: Give feedback on slides
* 28 Nov at 8am Pacific Time: Each presenter should record their presentation & demo on their own & send to Nathalie. (see email "Self-recording guidance for OpenAMP System Reference webinar")
* 29 Nov 10am Pacific Time: Nathalie will mock-up the combined video so we know what needs discussion/re-do during 29 Nov recording session
Proposed agenda:
* Review demo steps
* Finalize how we want to incorporate key takeaways summary -> Due 11/28 or record 11/29?
* Individual updates
* Convergence
* Any other items?
Reminder to update your task status & add any missing tasks to the tracking sheet before the call, so we can make the most of our time together:
Thanks & regards,
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