Hi all,


Please send your agenda items for the upcoming call on Thursday.


Thanks & regards,



-----Original Appointment-----
From: Nathalie Chan King Choy
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 3:37 PM
To: Nathalie Chan King Choy; system-dt@lists.openampproject.org
Cc: nathalie-ckc@kestrel-omnitech.com; Kepa, Krzysztof (GE Global Research); Don Harbin; Bruce Ashfield; Wesley Skeffington; ilias.apalodimas@linaro.org; Milea, Danut Gabriel (Danut); Joakim Bech; Pierre Guironnet de Massas; Markham, Joel (GE Global Research, US); Tony McDowell; robherring2@gmail.com; Ed T. Mooring; Loic PALLARDY; Grant Likely
Subject: System Device Tree call
When: Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Zoom


Hi all,


Please join the call on Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/openampproject

(If you need the meeting ID, it’s 9031895760)


The notes from the previous call (Jan 22) can be found on the OpenAMP wiki at this link:



Action items from the previous call:

* Stefano: Document a little bit more how the model works

** Remove reserved memory

** Add top-level use-case FAQ (e.g. how to do peripheral assignment to SW)

** Consider putting a qualifier word before "domain" to make it more specific

* Everyone: Try to poke holes in the model. Good to have hard questions to think through & answer

* Rob: Prototype proposal of changing root

* Nathalie: co-ordinate next call over email (2 weeks from now doesn't work b/c Rob can't make it)


For info about the list, link to the archives, to unsubscribe yourself, or

for someone to subscribe themselves, visit:


For information about the System Device Trees effort, including a link to

the intro presentation from Linaro Connect SAN19:



Best regards,

Nathalie C. Chan King Choy

Project Manager focused on Open Source and Community