Hi all,


The agenda items I’ve collected are:


* Officially voting in a TSC chair

* Deciding which BUD20 F2F OpenAMP meetings need to be scheduled at a PST-friendly time for call-ins (these will be the last of the day in Budapest)

* TSC discussion topics for F2F at BUD20 so ppl can decide about travel

* Should it be TSC or individual work groups who decide & if TSC:

** Should we use GitHub issues for tracking bugs & upcoming work?

** Should we use GitHub Pull Requests or mailing list submissions for code contributions?

* Vote on if we should adopt the Zephyr guidelines for OpenAMP code

* Remaining time: Continue to go through Ed’s list of governance items that need discussion


Thanks & regards,



-----Original Appointment-----
From: Nathalie Chan King Choy
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:13 PM
To: Nathalie Chan King Choy; tsc@lists.openampproject.org
Cc: nathalie-ckc@kestrel-omnitech.com; Arun Balaji Kannan; Ed T. Mooring; Vicky Janicki; Felix Burton; Bruce Ashfield; Koning, Maarten; Pratap Chandran; Michael May; Milea, Danut Gabriel (Danut); Loic PALLARDY; Hancock, Jeffrey; Raghuraman, Arvind; Wesley Skeffington; Bill Fletcher; Dannenberg, Andreas; Pierre-Yves Kerbrat
Subject: OpenAMP TSC - February call
When: Thursday, February 20, 2020 8:00 AM-9:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Zoom


Hi all,


Please join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/openampproject

(If you need the meeting ID, it’s 9031895760)


The notes from the previous call (Jan 17) can be found at https://github.com/OpenAMP/open-amp/wiki/TSC-Meeting-Notes-2020#20200117


For info about the list, link to the archives, to unsubscribe yourself, or for someone to subscribe themselves, visit:



Best regards,

Nathalie C. Chan King Choy

Project Manager focused on Open Source and Community