Hi all,
This is a reminder that this Thursday at 10 am EDT we are having an OpenAMP Application Services Working Group meeting. The agenda is:
1. Call for additional discussion topics (all) 2. Hypervisor-less virtio (Dan)
* Activity review * Status update * Reference implementation progress * Demo of reference implementation * Code overview / walkthrough
1. Additional discussion topics, if any (TBD) 2. Next steps (all)
For those interested to see what has been contributed to-date for our reference implementation, you can review the RSL (Real-time Services for Linux) daemon code as a diff from upstream kvmtool herehttps://github.com/OpenAMP/kvmtool/compare/90b2d3a..78643e7 and you can review the current hypervisor-less virtio Zephyr code herehttps://github.com/danmilea/zephyr/commit/afa5ecaf55972d5123cd04e815169a605ca37aa8.
Hope to see you in the call, Maarten
From: nathalie@xilinx.com When: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM October 28, 2021 Subject: OpenAMP App-services call Location: https://xilinx.zoom.us/j/92674836378?pwd=czBzWlp5c0EveHkycUZ0d3Y5dWFJUT09&am...
[Please note: This e-mail is from an EXTERNAL e-mail address] [Moving 1hr earlier to avoid conflict w/ Stratos call]
Hi all,
The App-services agenda proposed at the last TSC call was for:
* Wind River to show demo * Discussion of implementation * Walk through the public repo
Notes from the last App-services working group meeting can be found at: https://github.com/OpenAMP/open-amp/wiki/OpenAMP-Application-Services-Sub-gr...https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/OpenAMP/open-amp/wiki/OpenAMP-Application-Services-Sub-group-Meeting-Notes-2021*20210511__;Iw!!AjveYdw8EvQ!LN7cxGfESRFtPWUp71JVd-l2kYWd-EuZZyri1dDP767u-hlMRBm5LZ1pzfQ0M1fWwTsr7A$
For list info, archives, and to subscribe/unsubscribe, visit: https://lists.openampproject.org/mailman/listinfo/app-serviceshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lists.openampproject.org/mailman/listinfo/app-services__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!LN7cxGfESRFtPWUp71JVd-l2kYWd-EuZZyri1dDP767u-hlMRBm5LZ1pzfQ0M1cQ53YoIQ$
Please feel free to forward this meeting invitation to others who you think would be interested.
Thanks & regards, Nathalie C. Chan King Choy Program Manager focused on Open Source and Community
Hi there, Nathalie Chan King Choy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/xilinx.zoom.us/j/92674836378?pwd=czBzWlp5c0EveHkycUZ0d3Y5dWFJUT09&from=addon__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!LN7cxGfESRFtPWUp71JVd-l2kYWd-EuZZyri1dDP767u-hlMRBm5LZ1pzfQ0M1c7NC8lLQ$ Phone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,92674836378#,,,,,,0#,,0705325239#tel:+16699006833,,92674836378#,,,,,,0#,,0705325239# or +17209289299,,92674836378#,,,,,,0#,,0705325239#tel:+17209289299,,92674836378#,,,,,,0#,,0705325239# Meeting URL: https://xilinx.zoom.us/j/92674836378?pwd=czBzWlp5c0EveHkycUZ0d3Y5dWFJUT09&am...https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/xilinx.zoom.us/j/92674836378?pwd=czBzWlp5c0EveHkycUZ0d3Y5dWFJUT09&from=addon__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!LN7cxGfESRFtPWUp71JVd-l2kYWd-EuZZyri1dDP767u-hlMRBm5LZ1pzfQ0M1c7NC8lLQ$ Meeting ID: 926 7483 6378 Passcode: jgh4UCvnK@ Join by Telephone For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location. Dial:
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 720 928 9299 or +1 929 205 6099 or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0282 (Toll Free) India: +91 116 480 2722 or +91 22 48 798 004 or +91 224 879 8012 or +91 226 480 2722 or +91 22 71 279 525 or +91 406 480 2722 or +91 446 480 2722 or +91 806 480 2722 or +91 80 71 279 440 or 000 800 001 4002 (Toll Free) or 000 800 050 5050 (Toll Free) Ireland: +353 1 536 9320 or +353 1 653 3895 or +353 6 163 9031 or 1800 901 561 (Toll Free) or 1800 943 965 (Toll Free) or 1800 949 238 (Toll Free) Singapore: +65 3158 7288 or +65 3165 1065 or 1800 407 5602 (Toll Free) or 800 101 3814 (Toll Free) or 800 852 6054 (Toll Free) Meeting ID: 926 7483 6378 Passcode: 0705325239 International numbershttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/xilinx.zoom.us/u/adTmzXj0vJ__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!LN7cxGfESRFtPWUp71JVd-l2kYWd-EuZZyri1dDP767u-hlMRBm5LZ1pzfQ0M1d77pTZBQ$ Join from a Video Conference room system Meeting ID: 926 7483 6378 Passcode: 0705325239 US: 92674836378@global.zoomcrc.commailto:92674836378@global.zoomcrc.com Passcode: 0705325239 APAC: 92674836378@global.zoomcrc.commailto:92674836378@global.zoomcrc.com Passcode: 0705325239 India: 92674836378@global.zoomcrc.commailto:92674836378@global.zoomcrc.com Passcode: 0705325239 Europe: 92674836378@global.zoomcrc.commailto:92674836378@global.zoomcrc.com Passcode: 0705325239 SIP: 92674836378@zoomcrc.commailto:92674836378@zoomcrc.com Passcode: 0705325239