We have our normal meeting tomorrow.
Standing Agenda Items:
* Linux patch activity
* Open-amp & Libmetal activity
* OpenAMP CI activity?
Suggestions for other topics (won't get to all of this)
* Deeper discussion of Mathieu's "MCU" sync patch set?
* Low Level implementation from Application Services call
* Enhancement to rpmsg name service
* Add endpoint description
* capabilities/feature flags per end-point
* Add optional endpoint description blobs
* expose to userspace (read via sysfs?)
* In-kernel API for request-response pattern
* More general binding for userspace API's (currently only rpmsg-char)
* rpmsg-char driver currently requires [unbind &] bind from userspace
* subtractive decode ? (bind to every name not found in kernel)
* bind to everything (in addition to in-kernel bind)
* bind via ctrl device?
* Socket interface in addition to rpmsg-char?
* bind to which?
William A. Mills
Chief Technologist, Open Source
Texas Instruments, Processors
20250 Century Blvd, Suit 300
Germantown MD, 20874
(work/mobile) +1-240-643-0836
We have our meeting tomorrow.
We have our standing agenda:
* Linux Kernel pending patch status
* open-amp lib and libmetal status
* OpenAMP CI status
Anything else?
I have not sent the doodle pool for meeting at a conference in the next few months.
I think a lot of our companies have shutdown travel since we last talked.
I would like to get a verbal feel if a face to face meeting is practical in the next 3 to 6 months.
William A. Mills
Chief Technologist, Open Source
Texas Instruments, Processors
20250 Century Blvd, Suit 300
Germantown MD, 20874
(work/mobile) +1-240-643-0836
We have our meeting tomorrow.
We have our standing agenda:
* Linux Kernel pending patch status
* open-amp lib and libmetal status
* OpenAMP CI status
Anything else?
I have not sent the doodle pool for meeting at a conference in the next
few months.
I think a lot of our companies have shutdown travel since we last
I would like to get a verbal feel if a face to face meeting is
practical in the next 3 to 6 months.
William A. Mills
Chief Technologist, Open Source
Texas Instruments, Processors
20250 Century Blvd, Suit 300
Germantown MD, 20874
(work/mobile) +1-240-643-0836