Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: f252f0e007fbfb8b3a52b1d5901250ddac96baad Author: Ed Mooring Date: 2021-01-11 (Mon, 11 Jan 2021)
Changed paths: M lib/system/freertos/sleep.h
Log Message: ----------- FreeRTOS: Allow tick rates greater than 1000 for metal_sleep_usec().
metal_sleep_usec() used portTICK_PERIOD_MS to determine how long to sleep. If the FreeRTOS tick rate is set to greater than 1000, this will be 0, resulting in a divide by zero error at run time. This changes it to use pdMS_TO_TICKS(), which can accomodate higher tick rates.
Signed-off-by: Ed Mooring