Branch: refs/heads/main Home: Commit: 9df0e6b23605dd2d0584870608c93da8ef2e3d79 Author: Bill Mills Date: 2025-03-06 (Thu, 06 Mar 2025)
Changed paths: A M .readthedocs.yaml
Log Message: ----------- docs: update the readthedocs integration for PRs in this repo
Upstream Read The Docs has tightened up the schema checking and this broke what we were doing for PRs.
A good number of things were tried but the best compromise is to: * supply a dummy sphinx config file in this repo * as this repo does not have a doc/ dir we put the file in the root * override the default build command to use the openamp-docs dir
Also: * add more documentation about what is going on * lock to html only format. PRs only do html anyway but make sure
Signed-off-by: Bill Mills
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