Hi all,
The notes from the previous call (July 23) can be found at https://github.com/OpenAMP/open-amp/wiki/TSC-Meeting-Notes-2020#20200723
I put the Governance info from Ed's Word document into GitHub to make it easier to update as we make decisions & have it reflected on the project website.
Currently, you need to know this link to see it on the website: https://www.openampproject.org/governance/
I will link to it from the main page after the TSC call, to give everyone time to review it. Let me know if you spot any errors.
Outstanding action items from the previous call:
* All: Please contact Tomas & Nathalie if you are interested in being on the Code of Conduct committee.
* All: If you have ideas for licenses or other items for our small budget, let the OpenAMP Board members know.
* All: If you know anyone we should reach out to, who isn't yet active in OpenAMP, but it would make sense for them, please let Tomas & Nathalie know.
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Best regards,
Nathalie C. Chan King Choy
Program Manager focused on Open Source and Community
Meeting number (access code): 145 979 2059
Meeting password: WeZ7bRnt*25
Friday, October 9, 2020
7:00 am | (UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) | 1 hr
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