Hi all,
Please let us know your agenda topics. Here is what I collected so far:
* Any recent PRs to discuss?
* Anything to discuss for OpenAMP docs improvement project?
* Demo testing issues
* 2025 task tracker<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XCHz_5Cmxzs-0boUxQTdGFqozQC4YeD9kz4…> / individual updates
Please note that Arnaud will be OOO on 2/19.
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Notes from today's call can be found at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
Please let us know if you spot any errors or important omissions.
* OpenAMP team doesn't have enough bandwidth to support the org admin + mentorship for GSOC 2025
Action items
* Arnaud will put removal of Application Services Sub-Group page to the list of tasks for Sipke
* All: Please review Sipke's PRs as they come in
* Tanmay will review Iulia's https://github.com/OpenAMP/libmetal/pull/322
* All: Please take a look at issue filed by Iulia https://github.com/OpenAMP/libmetal/issues/323
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Please let us know your agenda topics. Here is what I collected so far:
* Should OpenAMP apply to be a GSOC organization?
* i.e. Is it realistic to resource the application, coordination & mentoring?
* See thread with Nishanth and Nathalie in Discord for what is required for the organization application https://discord.com/channels/881957442341208095/1030188457739427911
* 2025 task tracker<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XCHz_5Cmxzs-0boUxQTdGFqozQC4YeD9kz4…> / individual updates
* Anything to discuss for OpenAMP docs improvement project?
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Reminder that this week we've moved the meeting to 1 day earlier - Tue (I'm OOO Wed). Let me know if you need the invitation re-forwarded to you.
Here's the topics I collected. Please let us know if you have additional topics.
* https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-docs/issues/38 tag the tasks indicating which ones are blocker and need to be addressed first for next release.
* Upcoming conference CFPs:
* Nice message: 4 different vendors with reference boards for Arm64
* To get TI as reference board: What is status of Andrew's Zephyr's PRs?
* Linaro Connect due Feb 13 (too soon for system reference),
* Open Source Summit CFP is now open. (Embedded Linux Conference & Zephyr tracks)
* CFP Closes: Monday, February 17 at 12:00 AM MST (UTC-7) / Sunday, February 16 at 11:00 PM PST (UTC -8)
* IMPORTANT NOTE: The Call for Proposals for ELC & Zephyr will use this form exclusively for both the OSS North America and Europe events. Please indicate which event you would like your submission to be considered for.
* GSOC 2025 is now open. https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/resources/
* Does anyone have bandwidth/plans to mentor any GSOC students?
* Jan 27-Feb 11: Mentoring organization application window
* Individual updates / 2025 Task tracker<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XCHz_5Cmxzs-0boUxQTdGFqozQC4YeD9kz4…>
@Andrew Davis (TI)<mailto:afd@ti.com> and/or @Nishanth Menon<mailto:nm@ti.com>: Will you be able to join this week to discuss TI as reference board + Google Summer of Code?
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Notes from this week are posted at the 2025 notes page:
If you spot any errors or important omissions in the notes, you can edit the page directly once you are logged into GitHub.
The new task tracking sheet is at:
Please add any additional 2025 tasks that you come up with.
Action items:
* Iulia to send Zephyr PR to add herself w/ justification of why should be collaborator for OpenAMP in Zephyr & notify Arnaud on Discord to approve it
* Iulia will create a GitHub issue regarding resource table sample for i.MX8ULP (Libmetal virtual to physical is where NXP sample crashes) & can discuss there
* Dan, Tanmay, Iulia: Review Sipke's doc pull request in the next week or so, and share feedback in the PR or with Bill and Arnaud before the meeting with Sipke https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-docs/pull/37
* Bill will try to take a look at Arnaud's POC (linked in the comments of row 7 in the new Google Sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XCHz_5Cmxzs-0boUxQTdGFqozQC4YeD9kz4…>) in the next week or so
* Arnaud to bring this up his POC in virtio-msg meeting w/ Edgar
Best regards,
[Pulling in by a day per discussion in 1/8/25 call]
Hi all,
Please note that in March, North American Standard Time ends a few weeks ahead of Europe's Standard Time. This whole series will probably also appear in calendar as a shift for Pakistan, which doesn't have daylight savings.
Notes can be found at: https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
2024 task tracking sheet: System Reference task tracking for 2024 - Google Sheets<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J0fRanLA3QXM3lLnigltnPR399dtNoOxoNV…>
Best regards,
Nathalie Chan King Choy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OpenAMP System Reference - Standard Time
Time: Nov 13, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Wed, until Mar 5, 2025, 9 occurrence(s)
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Happy New Year!
Please let us know if you have additional topics. Here is what I collected so far:
* https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-docs/pull/37
* Who else would be good to pull into the docs review?
* Sipke requested a meeting w/ Bill & Arnaud to discuss outstanding items from Arnaud's review comments as well as any other items or direction.
* Would NXP and TI be able to help on Arnaud's PR to Zephyr for OpenAMP release?
* Felipe messaged in Discord: if he can be added to reviewer list for OpenAMP stuff in Zephyr
* Upcoming conference CFPs:
* Nice message: 4 different vendors with reference boards for Arm64
* To get TI as reference board: What is status of Andrew's Zephyr's PRs?
* Linaro Connect due Feb 13 (too soon for system reference), EOSS dates not posted yet
* Schedule of next meeting: Nathalie OOO on Jan 22nd - would it work to move from 1/22 to 1/21 or does someone else want to host it?
* Nothing is posted for GSOC 2025 yet
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Notes from this week's call are posted at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
Action items:
* Arnaud will follow up in January with NXP and TI to see if they can confirm OpenAMP release in Zephyr works, since there is no maintainer for IPC subsystem/framework in Zephyr at the moment.
* Bill will submit a session for virtio-msg and virtio-amp: Would include AMP, use of libraries, Zephyr
Happy holidays and talk to you in the new year on January 8th!