Hi all,
I've added the links to everyone's files in the Webinar plan documenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1R-uUgavNI2GCcM133YfgCY5SMLanGT_-DN1nu6Ru-wI/edit, so we can easily reference centrally.
@Shah, Tanmaymailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com:
* Since you're on vacation, I made updates directly in https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18wHAYv2gK65RtnnohiJAzPMCd5oHNNns/edi.... * What I changed was: * For the first occurrences of things we're supposed to put the registered & trademark on, I added those * For the Xilinx & Arm terms I corrected the ones that needed hyphens added or case corrected * I changed the numbered & lettered bullets to un-numbered for readability * I added the speaker's face keep-out and moved/modified your diagrams to fit * I removed the "Thank You" slide, since it will be in the middle of the webinar & you're coming back at the end to answer questions
@Evensen, Tomasmailto:tomas.evensen@amd.com:
* Since we discussed your slides on Monday, I made updates directly in https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ti6bNhykb8R0DXIO5e9LYkmYf2gMJ8YFlUnB... * I made the colour changes to protected memory to make it look more like what's protected than what's used * I also formatted the protected memory legend bubble the same way * I did similar to make the firewalls stand out better & legend bubble updated accordingly * In case we want to have a section marker slide before we jump to Bruce, I replaced your demo placeholders with section separator slide * I added a question in Google Slides comment on p.8 * I think you're still working on slides 15 onward, so I stopped review at 14
* I put some comments in https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UYr-ma0VLWNLx5N0IdPTqmFsNXjaBuSP/edi...https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UYr-ma0VLWNLx5N0IdPTqmFsNXjaBuSP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115082024101825014424&rtpof=true&sd=true__;!!AjveYdw8EvQ!ec1uPBAApJaeumwtRqNH0iPlseEb-mjhcHOOph1hlWRRDd77btElMbAjkdqGkqthvFxBDUl5JC-NxwmXdjYeLksaldoJfQEWb-Rg6fU8k-Q$ * I fixed some minor typos
@Milea, Danut Gabriel (Danut)mailto:Danut.Milea@windriver.com:
* I put some comments in https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/143o6HnLJrZVEHtV4ZbFXV0Owd_rmCi5dI-nv...
@Bill Millsmailto:bill.mills@linaro.org:
* I set up a fresh Ubuntu 20.04.1 VirtualBox VM (the new AMD laptop image nuked my old one on my Xilinx laptop) * I followed your prerequisite steps * I think something is either wrong with my VM or docker installation because I can't even "docker run hello-world". Installing updates very slowly right now... hopefully that will help... I'll try again after dinner.
Thanks & regards, Nathalie