Hi all,
I've made the post to the OpenAMP LinkedIn organization for the webinar https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6997985394680049665
It's very similar to the one Linaro made, with these differences:
* Updates Tomas' title * Has LinkedIn links to and Linaro, OpenAMP organizations * Has LinkedIn links to speaker profiles * @Shah, Tanmaymailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com: I saw your profile is just Tanmay S, and not very populated, so I left your name as the full name with title & no link * Has hashtags for openamp, Linaro, zephyr, linux, and opensource to get this post spread to LinkedIn followers of those hashtags
Compared to our draft post, I couldn't embed hyperlinks, so just stuck with the registration link.
If you already shared Linaro's today, perhaps wait a few days to share this one.
Thanks & regards, Nathalie