Hi all,
Please let us know your agenda topic requests for this week's sync.
* Tanmay: Update on upstreaming * Nathalie: PMU ROM & KV260 updates * Other individual updates * 12/1 or not 12/1? Is much progress expected by 12/1 call if US folks are the ones with tasks in flight & US Thanksgiving is end of this week? * Continue with weekly sync, or change to every 2 weeks? * Objectives to complete before next meeting?
Reminder to please respond to the poll for which weeks would be best candidates for a virtual sprint in ~Q1CY22: https://doodle.com/poll/n4wb9698y8748c76?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
And of action items from last week:
* @Tomas Evensenmailto:tomase@xilinx.com: Add to slide 7: Want to showcase proprietary RTOSes * @Tomas Evensenmailto:tomase@xilinx.com: Send Nathalie the latest slides after update * Nathalie: Update to new WR logo in the slides * Nathalie: PDF-ize & post & share the sharing link * Nathalie: Post the PPT template and presentation & share the sharing link to members * Nathalie: Poll this group for what week might be best to have a virtual sprint in the new year.
Thanks & regards, Nathalie