Hi all,
@Bill Mills<mailto:bill.mills@linaro.org>, @arnaud.pouliquen@st.com<mailto:arnaud.pouliquen@st.com>, @Milea, Danut Gabriel (Danut)<mailto:Danut.Milea@windriver.com>, @Tammy Leino<mailto:Tammy_Leino@mentor.com>, @Shah, Tanmay<mailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com>: Please update the tracking sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SkQvq34NJBjJM56T6nm9fknJGTHutfV-LJd…> with the status of your tasks (e.g. anything needs to move to In Progress or Done in column D? Any new tasks to add?) in advance of the call so that we can spend the call syncing up on
* What you just finished
* What you're working on next
* Any points needing discussion/clarification
* Any blockers
Let's try to close on how the repos & docs should be organized so that the files can be moved into place.
Let us know if you have any other topics for Wednesday.
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Notes are posted at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
Action items
* All: By next Tuesday: Please go through Task tracking sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SkQvq34NJBjJM56T6nm9fknJGTHutfV-LJd…> and update your task status (e.g. what's In Progress) so that the burn-up chart can give us a sense of our trajectory to reach the finish line
* @Tammy Leino<mailto:Tammy_Leino@mentor.com>: (added as a task to the sheet) Research if linking subdirs of another repo into doc repo could work in GitHub
* @arnaud.pouliquen@st.com<mailto:arnaud.pouliquen@st.com>: (added as a task to the sheet) Connect openamp-system-reference repo to RP mailing list for automated notifications
* @Shah, Tanmay<mailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com> will write to mailing list about moving source code from meta-openamp layer to open-amp library repo
* @Shah, Tanmay<mailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com> write to mailing list about: Will the openamp-system-reference repo contain bitbake recipes and what else would live there?
* @Bill Mills<mailto:bill.mills@linaro.org>: Update Task tracking sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SkQvq34NJBjJM56T6nm9fknJGTHutfV-LJd…> with any specific tasks for "Upstream builds & CI demo" category
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
I turned our webinar work breakdown into a task tracking sheet with a burn-up chart<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SkQvq34NJBjJM56T6nm9fknJGTHutfV-LJd…>. The 2nd column in the chart is just dummy data so I could test if my chart is working. Feel free to add tasks, sign yourself up for tasks with owner TBD, or update the status of one of your tasks.
Topics I have so far:
* Fill in Arun on webinar plan at a high-level
* Task tracking sheet
* Any other tasks/categories to add?
* Assign owners to tasks with no owner
* Status of tasks
* External dependencies/blockers?
* Risks?
* Additional individual updates
Please let us know if you have additional topics.
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Notes from today are posted at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref… and the link to the plan document is in there.
Action items:
* @Chan King Choy, Nathalie<mailto:nathalie.chan-king-choy@amd.com>: Update the meetings to weekly until Nov (Dan has conflict in 1st half hour in alternating weeks)
* @Shah, Tanmay<mailto:tanmay.shah@amd.com>: Set up a call with Bill, Tanmay, Bruce, Mark, Ben on System DT for Nov webinar
* @Tammy Leino<mailto:Tammy_Leino@mentor.com> to do a quick survey of existing documentation & start email thread on what could go into read-the-docs format prior to November webinar
Thanks & regards,
Adding a 30 min sync in the alternate weeks between our main sync, leading up to the November webinar.
November 2022 webinar planning document in OpenAMP Google Drive (limited access)<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aje8wThv7pKdJ5tvX0SNncJtK1YtigFgyXpxhvO…>
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