Hi all,
Here are the notes from this week's call: https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
Let us know if you spot any errors or important omissions. You can also edit the page if you are logged in to GitHub.
Action items:
* Tomas to bring up Lopper integration at future TSC & board calls (e.g. w/ U-Boot)
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Here is the proposed agenda for tomorrow, please let us know if have additional topics. I got accepts from @Stabellini, Stefano<mailto:stefano.stabellini@amd.com> and @Ashfield, Bruce<mailto:bruce.ashfield@amd.com> for the System DT topics. Note that Bill is unable to join this week's call.
* System Device Tree:
* Are there things we can do in this group to make sure it gets into Yocto, works with our reference platforms, 1st class citizen, etc.
* AMD Xilinx HW can mutate for each customer, so what gets checked into kernel isn't that interesting. In other markets, where HW doesn't mutate, what is checked into kernel is important. If Lopper took what's in kernel & transform into SDT that other operating systems could use - flipping the inputs & outputs. Might increase interest in System DT if you didn't need 2 ways to do things.
* Discuss brainstorm list of Google Summer Of Code topics. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zHxaMVERQwfh-Sy5ulFACi6NO58ENOdsC04dag1…
If you have trouble accessing this link, then contact me directly and let me know your Google account email.
Reminder to add your ideas to the brainstorm list before the call :)
* Q2/Q3 task tracking<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8Byj…> status
* Individual updates
Reminder of action items from last call:
* Tomas & Nishanth: Discuss OpenAMP with RISC-V Foundation at Santa Clara event
* Tomas: Check if anyone at AMD is working on System DT for RISC-V
* Nishanth will work on cleaner video of the GSOC projects, let us know when the more polished one is on Beagle channel & we will link to it in our Playlist on OpenAMP channel
* [DONE] Nathalie: Put on agenda for next call to discuss starting w/ kernel DT & transforming into System DT w/ Lopper and invite @Ashfield, Bruce<mailto:bruce.ashfield@amd.com>
* [DONE] Nathalie to create a Google doc where ppl can drop in their brainstorm ideas & we can look at the list next time
* [DONE] Dan will add tasks that he's working on to the [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8Byj… task tracking sheet]
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
The notes from today's call are posted at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Ref…
== Action items ==
* Tomas & Nishanth: Discuss OpenAMP with RISC-V Foundation at Santa Clara event
* Tomas: Check if anyone at AMD is working on System DT for RISC-V
* Nathalie: Put on agenda for next call to discuss starting w/ kernel DT & transforming into System DT w/ Lopper and invite @Ashfield, Bruce<mailto:bruce.ashfield@amd.com>
* [DONE] Nathalie to create a Google doc where ppl can drop in their brainstorm ideas & we can look at the list next time
* Nishanth will work on cleaner video of the GSOC projects, let us know when the more polished one is on Beagle channel & we will link to it in our Playlist on OpenAMP channel
* Dan will add tasks that he's working on to the [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8Byj… task tracking sheet]
Stefano has accepted the invitation to the call 2 weeks from now, so we can have the topic then:
System Device Tree: Are there things we can do in this group to make sure it gets into Yocto, works with our reference platforms, 1st class citizen, etc.
Here is the link to the GSOC project brainstorm sheet:
If you have trouble accessing this link, then contact me directly and let me know your Google account email.
Thanks & regards,
Hi all,
Please let us know if you have any topics for the call. Here is what I gathered so far:
* System Device Tree: Are there things we can do in this group to make sure it gets into Yocto, works with our reference platforms, 1st class citizen, etc.
* @Stabellini, Stefano<mailto:stefano.stabellini@amd.com>, @Hatle, Mark<mailto:mark.hatle@amd.com>, @Ashfield, Bruce<mailto:bruce.ashfield@amd.com>: Would you be available to join the call this week at 9am Pacific/noon Eastern?
* Google Summer of Code:
* Any questions for TI on the video posted to our Discord?
* Start brainstorming Google Summer of Code ideas for next year & what we need to discuss with TSC/Board. Last year, program was announced in December & applications closed in January.
* Q2/Q3 task tracking<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8Byj…> status
* Individual updates
Below are some GSOC resources that Nishanth shared early this year:
Thanks & regards,