Hi all,
Notes from today are at https://github.com/OpenAMP/openamp-system-reference/wiki/OpenAMP-System-Refe...
Task tracker with some initial tasks populated is access restricted and can be found in the OpenAMP Google Drive herehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8ByjPFsjIoB4/edit?usp=sharing for active project participants. Please take a look and add your tasks and target dates. (Nishanth and Hari to email Nathalie directly with their preferred Google accounts to get access)
Action items
* Arnaud: Tammy can start with a couple files Pull Request & we can discuss on that concrete example * Bill can schedule a remote working session over Zoom for next week with Tammy, Arnaud, (Ed optional) * Bill will polish up the deck & submit to Connect organizers so that it can be included in the schedule blurb * Nathalie, Bill, Arnaud to update OpenAMP Governance pagehttps://www.openampproject.org/governance/ at Connect to reflect latest project status & practices * (DONE) Nathalie start a new System Reference tracking sheet til end of August & Nishanth to add a milestone for TI platform * System Reference 2023 April to August Tracking Sheethttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N5eO0FDX-gqpJtBleh_iGn-k9gr3j-w8ByjPFsjIoB4/edit?usp=sharing * Bill to share Jailhouse notes with Dan
Thanks & regards, Nathalie