Hi all,
This week we keep the Friday slot, then move to the new day/time next week. Please let me know your agenda items. Here's what I collected so far:
* Individual updates * Since Bill will be looking at ST instructions, perhaps more in-depth discussion here. * Any discussion points from Bill's notes on Tanmay's build steps (no changes required)? * <Does Etsam have proposal for what to work on & dependencies?> * What to shoot to accomplish before next Wednesday's call?
Just in case your calendar invitation is missing, you can use this link on Friday 9/24: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://xilinx.zoom.us/j/94831165744?pwd=UzVRYmZVenhCekwyMlZPMFhGV3NiUT09&from=addon
Thanks & regards, Nathalie