Hi all,
I turned our webinar work breakdown into a task tracking sheet with a burn-up charthttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SkQvq34NJBjJM56T6nm9fknJGTHutfV-LJd9oEKtiGs/edit?usp=sharing. The 2nd column in the chart is just dummy data so I could test if my chart is working. Feel free to add tasks, sign yourself up for tasks with owner TBD, or update the status of one of your tasks.
Topics I have so far:
* Fill in Arun on webinar plan at a high-level * Task tracking sheet * Any other tasks/categories to add? * Assign owners to tasks with no owner * Status of tasks * External dependencies/blockers? * Risks? * Additional individual updates
Please let us know if you have additional topics.
Thanks & regards, Nathalie